Helmholtz Institute

Recent events

Helmholtz lecture Antti Oulasvirta, University of Aalto: Psychology as the science of design: what psychological theories do

Psychology as the science of design: what psychological theories do Antti Oulasvirta, University of Aalto (http://users.comnet.aalto.fi/oulasvir/ ) 31 January 2020, 16:00 – 17:00. Location: Ruppert building, room Red Kurt Lewin famously said that ‘There’s nothing more practical than a good theory’. But what makes a theory applicable to practical problems? Is it validity, reliability, or…

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Visit of Michael Frank (Brown University) to Helmholtz/EPOS, August 29-30

Program (everyone welcome, no need to register except for expert meeting): Thursday August 29, University of Amsterdam Extended methodological talk on quantitative model fitting. Time: 14:00-15:30, location: Universiteitstheater 3.01, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 16-18  Friday August 30, Utrecht University Expert meeting on the article by Collins & Frank (PNAS, 2018), Within- and across-trial dynamics of human EEG reveal…

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PhD course 2019: Neurophilosophy of Mind and Consciousness

The question that has baffled scientists and philosophers for centuries is how molecules, cells, neurotransmitters and hormones in our brains create consciousness and self-awareness? The PhD course Neurophilosophy of Mind and Consciousness provides students with novel and practical insights into this field, which will contribute to theorizing and academic writing skills. Neurophilosophy of Mind and Consciousness…

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