Full members
Applied Cognitive Psychology and Eye movements: Dr I. Hooge |
Artificial Intelligence & Cognitive Neuroscience: Dr. S. Chota |
Artificial Intelligence for Cognitive Psychology: Dr. L van Maanen |
Behavioral Biology: Prof. Dr. J.J. Bolhuis |
Biopsychology & Psychopharmacology: Prof. Dr. J.L. Kenemans |
Clinical Neuropsychology: Dr. C. Ruis |
Clinical Neuroscience of Emotion: Prof. dr. J.M.P. Baas |
Cognitive Neurobiology: Dr. G.J.L. Beckers |
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience: Dr. C. van den Boomen |
Developmental Psycholinguistics; Experimental Psychology: Dr. C.M.M.Junge |
Developmental Psychology: Prof. Dr. C. Kemner |
Experimental Biopsychology: Prof. dr. D.J.L.G. Schutter |
Experimental Biopsychology & Cognitive Neuroscience: Dr. J. Klaus |
Experimental Psychology: Dr. C.L.E. Paffen, Dr. J.S. Benjamins, J. Heeman, MSc, Dr. R.S. Hessels |
Experimental Psychology & Psychophysiology: Dr. C. Strauch |
Haptic perception and communication: Dr. K.E. Overvliet |
Human-AI Interaction and Computational Cognitive Modeling: Dr. C.P. Janssen |
Multisensory Perception & Attention in Health and Disease: Dr. N. van der Stoep |
Neuropsychiatry: Dr. A. Keizer |
Neuropsychology: Dr. A.F. ten Brink |
Neuropsychology of Olfaction: J. Kal, MSc |
Neuropsychology of Perception: Prof. Dr. C. Dijkerman |
Neuropsychology of Spatial Cognition: Prof. Dr. A. Postma |
Neuroscience: Prof. dr. H.E. Hulshoff Pol |
Perception & Cognition: Prof. Dr. S. van der Stigchel |
Psychological Literacy in Higher Education: Prof. Dr. M.J. van der Smagt |
Psychology of Higher Education: Prof. Dr. S. te Pas |
Psychophysiology of Perception: Dr. M. Naber |
Social Neuroscience: Prof. Dr. J. van Honk, Dr. D. Terburg |
Social Psychology: Prof. Dr. H. Aarts |
Translational Neuropsychology & Innovations: Dr. T.C.W. Nijboer |
Experimental Psychopathology: Prof. Dr. M. van den Hout, Prof. Dr. I. Engelhard |
Faculty of Human Movement Sciences, VU: Prof. Dr. J.B.J. Smeets, prof. dr. A. Kappers |
Language, logic and information: Prof. Dr. Y. Vinter Seggev |
Neuroscience & Medicine, EUR: Prof. Dr. M. Frens; Prof. Dr. J. van der Steen |
Self-regulation: Prof. Dr. D.T.D. de Ridder |
Sensory systems in social context: Prof. Dr. M.A.M. Smeets |
Somatoform disorders: Prof. Dr. R. Geenen |
Utrecht Institute for Linguistics OTS: Prof. dr. J.J.A. van Berkum, prof. dr. M.B.H. Everaert, prof. dr. F.N.K. Wijnen, Prof. dr. R.W.J. Kager |
Visual-vestibular self-motion and orientation perception: Prof. dr. J. E. Bos |