Helmholtz lecture Kenny Coventry, January 27: On the interactions between language, perception and attention
Helmholtz lecture Prof. Kenny Coventry (School of Psychology at the University of East Anglia, UK):
Title: On the interactions between language, perception and attention
Abstract: Talking about where objects/places are located is one of the most basic functions of language. Using spatial terms requires coordination between language and non-linguistic systems to be able to direct the attention of an addressee to an object located in space (e.g. this cup; the plane over the field). Here I review a body of studies employing multiple methods (fMRI, eye tracking, EEG, behavioural methods) that begin to unpack how linguistic and non-linguistic resources come together to determine situation-specific meaning. I also explore the possible consequences of cross-linguistic differences in spatial terms for both perception and attention, challenging the now commonplace view that linguistic diversity entails non-linguistic diversity.
Location: Ruppert B, Leuvenlaan 21, 3584 CE Utrecht
Helmholtz Lectures take place from 4 to 5pm, with drinks afterwards in the pantry of the Langeveld building. Lectures are hybrid and streamed live via Teams.
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